New Jersey Superfund Site – TPEC staff conducted the design of the groundwater extraction and injection system. TPEC staff also designed and provided construction oversight for a 600-gpm capacity wastewater treatment plant and a 500-cfm soil vapor extraction system for the site soil and groundwater remediation of the SJCC/GSC superfund sites. The wastewater treatment system included iron and manganese precipitation, air stripping, granular activated carbon polishing, and pH adjustment prior to re-injecting the treated water up-gradient of the groundwater plume.
Representative Projects
Weapons Testing Facility, Maryland – As prime contractor, TPEC was responsible for cost/schedule performance, regulatory compliance and overall project management, as well as managing and overseeing subcontractors and coordinating with 300+ laboratories and disposal contractors. The wastes managed by TPEC included approximately 10,000 bar coded items per year.
US Fish and Wildlife, Pennsylvania – For the existing UST, the project required transfer of residual fuel contents, removal of concrete pad, tank purging and cleaning, removal of all fill supply and return piping, vent piping, soils testing, removal of soils around tank, separating and disposal of contaminated soils, disposal of tank, and completion and PADEP approval of the tank closure report. Due diligence soil sampling and testing was conducted to demonstrate the site was brought into Environmental Compliance.
Confidential client, Philadelphia – Phase I and II ESAs were conducted on this 2-acre industrial/commercial site. In addition to satisfying requirements of ASTM E 1527-13, investigation of mold, asbestos, and lead in water was also conducted. These non-scope considerations were required by the bank assisting the sale of the mortgage. Subsurface utilities and structures were delineated throughout the site. Soil borings and temporary wells were established to sample and analyze contaminant concentrations in the soil/groundwater.
Philadelphia Water Department – Involved in the upgrade of the Preliminary Treatment Facility, Gravity Thickener Facility, and Final Sedimentation Tanks at the Northeast Water Pollution Control Plant. TPEC was responsible for the design of stormwater management systems, roadways, parking, landscaping, erosion and sedimentation control, and permitting support services.
Representative Clients
TPEC provides services to a wide range of clients across the U.S. and internationally, including private property owners, small- and large-scale commercial and industrial business owners, institutional organizations and all levels of government.